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Carbon Footprints of Goods & Services (commonly referred to as “Products”) entail net GHG emissions over their life cycles. A Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) would typically account for all net GHG emissions from Raw Material Acquisition to the Outbound Gate of the Production Facility (Cradle to Gate) or End-of-life Treatment (Cradle to Gate).

Our team includes seasoned verifiers and technical experts with the competency to carry out audits of PCF Assessments conducted within various boundaries:

  • Cradle to Grave
  • Cradle to Gate
  • Gate to Gate
  • Customised Boundary

ISO 14067:2018 Standard

We are the only company to be accredited to award ISO 14067 Verification Statements in the country. The standard provides requirements and guidelines for quantification and reporting of the GHGs of a product across its life cycle.

The standard allows us to:

  • Make reliable comparisons globally between similar products due to its connectiveness with other product footprint and communication standards
  • Provide visibility of where the most significant emissions are coming from in its life cycle, paving the way for focused emission reduction strategies and subsequent carbon offsets
  • Help provide awareness to manufactures and buyers alike, that will lead to a more sustainable and competitive marketplace

With an experienced team that is capable of managing the complexities of a PCF, we can evaluate its compliance to ISO 14067 and issue Verification Statements as proofs of conformity that are internationally accepted.

ISO 14064-3:2019 Verification Process