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About us


The Sustainable Future Group – experts in validation, verification and certification


The Sustainable Future Group (SFG) was created to provide the missing link for corporates in the Asia Pacific region with a verification, validation & certification body that exists to enlighten, engage and empower organisations by ensuring that sustainability is placed at the forefront of their businesses and help align their strategies with environmental sustainability and social responsibility.

SFG is an ISO 14065:2013 and ISO 14066:2011 accredited organization by the International Accreditation Forum – the global governing body for accreditation of inspection, verification, testing and certification companies, through its local representative, the Sri Lanka Accreditation Board (SLAB).

We are the FIRST in the South Asian region to be accredited to award ISO 14064-1:2018, ISO 14064-2:2019 and ISO 14067:2018 validation and verification statements. Our team is comprised of both internal and external validators, verifiers, and technical experts with a high level of competency that assure quality and pride ourselves on the impartiality of our services. We are also the FIRST in the country to be eligible to conduct validation and verification under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Plan Vivo Standards.

In addition to delivering verification, validation and certification services for a variety of entities, activities, projects and products in the sustainability space, we also provide advisory services, where we consult corporates how to meet their sustainability goals.

SFG Impartiality Statement


“To be the Leader in the South Asian Region in Validation,  Verification  and Certification for Environmental Sustainability”

Validation and Verification of audited environmental parameters, as per international standards by an accreditation authority and issuance of certificates, statement and reports for the same in the South Asian region while offering quality, reliable, transformative, valuable services that reflect professionalism.

Board of Directors

Faris Fausz
Dr. Ranjiva Munasinghe
Ganesh Deivanayagam

Advisory Panel

Prof. Mohan Munasinghe

First & only Nobel Peace Prize Laureate in Sri Lanka
First & only Blue Planet Prize winner in Sri Lanka

Subramaniam Eassuwaren

Team of Experts

Nimal Perera

Technical Expert

Loshan Palayangoda

Technical Expert

Dr. Chandani Somaratne

Technical Expert

Sajeewa Ranasinghe


Rekha Menon


Dr. Dhanya Nambiar


Dr. Priyan Perera

Technical Expert

Timothy Paul De Alwis

Technical Expert



Appeals and Complaints


We aim to maintain a high level of quality and integrity in our work and welcome any appeals orcomplaints for review through our structured process. You may direct any verification and/or verification status  related issues using an Appeal Form. Any other issues may be addressed using a Complaints Form.



An ‘Appeal’ is a request for reconsideration of a decision that has been made with respect to the issuance of a validation or verification opinion. Appeals must be received by SFG within 30 days after the Validation and/or Verification Statement is issued. Within five (5) business days of the receipt of an appeal, the coordinator will send confirmation to the appellant of its receipt of the appeal.


The SFG Board of Directors will make the final decision regarding each appeal in a timely matter. SFG Coordinator will provide the appellant formal notice of the outcome and the motivation of the decision in writing within 3 (three) months after receipt of the appeal.



A ‘Complaint’ is any form of dissatisfaction other than an appeal relating to activities of SFG where a response is expected. The SFG Coordinator will acknowledge, in writing, the receipt of a complaint within ten (10) business days. If a complaint is not valid, SFG Coordinator will inform the complainant, in writing, and allow the complainant thirty (30) business days to complete the missing information. SFG Coordinator will then submit all the necessary details and facts and proof of the complaint to the verification manager, and he/she shall investigate the circumstances of a valid complaint. The outcome of that investigation, including any suggested corrective actions, will be communicated in writing to the complainant and, where appropriate, the organization.


Any complainant unsatisfied with the outcome of the investigation described above may, within twenty (20) business days of the date of communication of the outcome of the investigation shall send a written request to SFG that the complaint be referred to the SFG Board of Directors (BOD). The identity of BOD members shall be provided to the complainant, who has the right to request the replacement of any proposed member who has a conflict of interest. Any such request will be submitted in writing to the SFG Impartiality Committee by the Coordinator within ten (10) business days of the notice of the identity of the BOD. The BOD will review the materials related to the complaint and may investigate as needed. The outcome of the BOD review, including any corrective actions, will be communicated in writing to the complainant and where appropriate, to the organization.

Appeals Form – PDF
Complaints Form – PDF

To submit an appeal or complaint please select and fill the relevant form below and send to info@sustainablefuturegroup.com